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1Style & Classification Empty Style & Classification Mon 21 Mar 2011, 18:47


i just remember, gw perna dapet note dari temen shuffle gw d sg, he's good, he's the leader of SDF in sg. (first shuffle team in sg)
this note is bout, styles and classification in shuffle. bwat gw ini sih penting ya bwat yg masi blajar shuffle. jd lo bs tau which style r u refering to. jadi bisa focus in one style. thats better right? i hope this note wld be so usefull to all of u.


Hey guys, just want to share my views and classifications of the melbourne shuffle.

Note: These are for my own personal reference and i hope it will help certain people understand what every "style" is about cause people will say STOP CLASSIFYING IT !! ITS JUST THE MELBOURNE SHUFFLE!!! Yes it is....but come on man? If you don't do it....someone else will do it for you...and you will be like omg wtf is MAS man? But if you give it leeway sorta *The TB guidelines* Then you give people the basic understanding of what and why each style is classified the way it is.

To me there are many classifications of the MELBOURNE SHUFFLE
Melbourne Shuffling - Mix of runningman and the "T-Step" and a little upper body movement with some kicks and spins...more chilled and relaxed
Refer to Ben :

Old Schooling - More T-step and a little runningman (depending on the shuffler) but essentially there is more emphasis on creativity using the whole body. *upper and lower*
Refer to Kitchen Shuffler :

New School - What you might call tb style emphasis on the overuse of the runningman with lots of force and a couple of spins and kicks....for reference look up HSA Sacco or HSK Mikki. No i have nothing against them (thats sorta lie with mikki but w/e) but these are just examples.

Ahhh now we get to the interesting part....

MAS Style - A carbon copy of any "famous" malaysian shuffler. e.g Ochibi, Speedodevo (Now he sucks LOL) etc etc all those big names bleh... But essentially everyone has a different style but it only becomes a classification once a whole bunch of faggots copy it....sometimes it is a requirement to copy it for lets say a competition where everyone has to look the same to be in sync (but still can have their own individual style)
Refer to the THF Performance :

Honestly massive respect to these guys for being able to "conform" as well ass maintain they're individuality during the solo section. you might think that they are faggots cause they look like everyone else...but think of it this way, if you started to shuffle with certain moves and patterns and every kid followed you, do you think its right for someone from here to all you a fag?

Hardstyling : The focus of a a nice good hard rock Steady Runningman and move sets (not MOVES but your own patterns and sets that make you unique) that define you as a hardstyler.(This will be a controversial topic and ill get flamed more or less but this is just my opinion) Because in reference to melbourne rockers 2 they almost all shuffled exactly the same to me *thats why i could classify them as a style* Please do not take offence with this as i love melbourne rocking. Anyhow

I break this up into 2 Melbourne Rockers and the Rockers

Melbourne Rocker - Harder runningman using a crunch movement (your ab's) mixed with plenty of slides kicks and hat tricks.
Refer to Melbourne Rockers 2 -

Rockers - More emphasis on a unique style of runningman and certain move sets that make you more of an individual
Refer to Len :
Refer to Yan And Slackshoes :

Well this concludes my descriptions and i will update it when i have more time cause im in class now LOL.

Love Love,


gpp klo blom sampe tahap itu, at least lo mnuju k style yg jelas. sbener nya lebih gampang klo blajar shuffle tau lo mau blajar yg mana, dan lebih bagus lagi klo ada orang yg inspired lo. jadi ada yg bsia d jadiin contoh, based on their styles. tp inget, smua orang punya style sendiri2, jd ga mungkin lo bisa tiru exactly the same.

ini mungkin lebih jelas bwat contoh MAS style.

differences from melbourne lebih ke runningman nya. peratiin runningman nya beda bgt sm melbourne. MAS style doing the RM using their body. mreka ngedorong kakinya pake badan. and the variations also, MAS punya lebih banyak dan punya ciri khas sendiri yg jelas beda bgt dari melbourne. skarang melbourne doing more gliding as their variations.

Sbnrnya semua nya sama aja: Melbourne Shuffling.
Sengaja dibahas styles dsini buat yang pengen memperdalam aja biar lebih gampang buat dicerna :)
Just do whatever you want, it's Melbourne Shuffle!

Last edited by treize13 on Wed 11 May 2011, 20:22; edited 3 times in total

2Style & Classification Empty Style & Classification Mon 21 Mar 2011, 19:03


posted April 27th, 2011
SDF/Xero wrote:
There has been a lot of talk and debate about "Styles" and whatnot.

I would first like to start of by saying that this styles issue has to stop, on this forum anyway.

Anyway here's how this styles thing came on about. This is a Chronological shuffling line, not a styles explanation.

Original Melbourne Shuffle - This consisted of the T step + Weird and cool leg movements as well as a wide Variety of arm movements and cap tricks.

Next came the Classification of Hardstyling which was "stylized" by shufflers that liked to shuffle HARD. Mostly the runningman mixed in with the shuffle but the movements were hard and solid. E.g WeDanceHard

The 07 Generation of kids became aware of the melbourne shuffle and then seemingly took the easiest part of the dance which was the runningman and proceeded to slam a couple of mainstream hardstyle tracks which became popular and then spammed the move picking up as they went off.

The malaysians which went over to melbounre to study took the shuffle back home with them after experiencing the rave scene with practically only 2 notable people who actually did the shuffle without hardstyling. Even WeDanceHard Had a dedication to this "sick shuffler" Azmer which marked him as Lens first shuffling idol.
Dedication to Azmer by Len of WeDanceHard -

Azmer -
May 12, 2006

Ganjaguru from the Bass Agents -
May 14, 2006

The other 99% who enjoyed the harder version of shuffling then developed their own way of hardstyle which then was done by Hardstyle republic who were the first people to truly start the trend in malaysia beginning Mid - Late 06.
Notable names are Speedodevo and Apekwhuut who truly brought in the introduction to names like softstyling as opposed to hardstyling. Come the advent of Hardstyle Republic (HR) and their way of doing hardstyle soon brought the world of shuffling to know of many new and different moves. Since the malaysians hardstyled differently compared to the ravers in melbourne they dubbed it Malaysian aka MAS Style to so called keep it different.

*Fun Fact* The Side glide now done by every other MAS shuffler originally popularized by Apekwhuut in:

People Like THF Ochibi practically the most popular shuffler in the world came about from watching Speedodevo and emulating him until his own way of shuffling became unique.

I don't know how this electro Shuffle Came about but i can't comment so i shall leave it out.

So now we have a scene where essentially The melbourne ravers shuffled and hardstyled, the malaysians took the hardstyle and tweaked it a little bit/a fair bit and called it MAS Style.
The Brazilians, Russians and *insert any other country name* took this "New Hardstyling" aka MAS Style and incorporated it into other dances and finally we have where the shuffle is today.

MAS Style because of its amazingly aesthetic nature quickly became more popular than other ways and types of Shuffling.
The original melbourne shuffle became less popular as more people cared about the pure aesthetic of the dance and not the dance it self. This is also known as.....following mainstream.

A perfect example of this is the Cali-Style which is to put it in a form many of you can understand, Copying simply the length of the MAS styled runningman without the basic aesthetic with a measure of bounce and a slightly hunched back in many cases. The cali style is an attempt to copy the aesthetics of the MAS style without actually putting in any work which is why its actually looks really daft and strange. Every good shuffler has taken time to devote to the dance and therefore has become good.

Summary Version:
Hardstyling came out The Melbourne Shuffle
Mas Style Ripped from Hardstyling
Cali shuffle Ripped from MAS Style
Electro = *Please insert Information*

Hardstyling still exists in many forms, it now simply has more than 1 name. Newschooling( 07 era), MAS Styling etc.

The crux of this was to give everyone an overview and history of the styles and how they came to be. Now however i would like to mention that the melbourne shuffle is a rave dance and at raves, people dance however they see fit. These styles and classifications only act as barriers for a persons expression. It has been said time and time again: This is still the Melbourne Shuffle.

Some people like to runningman more, some people like to T-Step more, some people like to throw their hands in the air like they just don't care .Its not your problem. This is mainstream and over-popularization at work.

Someone said "O then lets not classify music into hardstyle trance and hip hop lets just call it music"

I would like to say to you: The Melbourne Shuffle from the start has been a dance about expression just like every dance. Different music, same dance. Its not like i headspin in the middle of your ballet class and call that ballet as well. Dances evolve and change.If you want to classify them just go ahead but always keep in mind no matter what style this is....the dance will always be the Melbourne Shuffle.

With Much Love and Respect,


Last edited by fijea on Sun 01 May 2011, 01:44; edited 1 time in total

3Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 21 Mar 2011, 21:43


mantap banget vin, oh iya vin kalo bisa jangan semua bahasa inggris. pasti banyak yg kurang ngerti. gue aja gak ngerti :( maklum vin :lol!:

4Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 21 Mar 2011, 23:06


ini kan mentah nya gw d kasi dr temen gw. nanti coba pelan2 gw translate ato gw bikin lebih simple ya.

5Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Tue 22 Mar 2011, 00:12


wuih keren nih, apalagi yang THF Ah Seng&Aaronbn kece banget dah Style & Classification 3711883763

Last edited by rangga.kusumaputra on Tue 22 Mar 2011, 05:54; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : emoticon tidak muncul)

6Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Tue 22 Mar 2011, 16:18

Dicky -B.O.S-

Dicky -B.O.S-
Keren Keren xD

7Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Tue 22 Mar 2011, 19:06


dapet ilmu baru xD
Len Hardstyle keren O_O

8Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Tue 22 Mar 2011, 21:14


Hard Rocker
Hard Rocker
Setuju ama bro adhit, jangan semua bhs inggris kasiaan yg ga ngerti apalagi gua :hihi:

di translate aja ke bindo kata kata yang penting hehe :>

9Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Tue 22 Mar 2011, 22:01


kalo d translate lumayan panjang juga sih yaa. klo pake translator nanti jadinya berantkan malah ga ngerti. yg penting ada style shufflenya + videonya buat contoh. klo kurang jelas boleh tanya2 disini nanti dibantu kok pasti. heheh. skalian nambah2in post

10Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Thu 24 Mar 2011, 11:42


keren semua :D

tapi gua lebih tertarik oldschool, makasih ya bang kevin ilmunya :D

Ival UR :D

11Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Thu 24 Mar 2011, 12:24


IvalRaverz wrote:keren semua :D

tapi gua lebih tertarik oldschool, makasih ya bang kevin ilmunya :D

Ival UR :D

latihan terus bro, old school klo lancar jadinya keren banget.

12Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 28 Mar 2011, 14:17


wah keren semua kak :)
tapi gua lebih tertarik sama rockers afro
makasih ya kevin :D

13Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Sun 03 Apr 2011, 14:29


treize13 wrote:
IvalRaverz wrote:keren semua :D

tapi gua lebih tertarik oldschool, makasih ya bang kevin ilmunya :D

Ival UR :D

latihan terus bro, old school klo lancar jadinya keren banget.

siiipppp bang kevin :D

14Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Sun 03 Apr 2011, 18:53

-C.S.A Rival-

-C.S.A Rival-
Jahat nih gw kurang ngarti gara2 isinya kebanyakan bahasa inggrisnya :swt2:

15Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Sun 03 Apr 2011, 20:39


@ rival, ciaelah yang suka banget sama gerakan old skool heheh asik dah hehehe... keep up the good work brother heheheh lol! lol! lol!

16Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 18 Apr 2011, 15:08


-C.S.A Rival- wrote:Jahat nih gw kurang ngarti gara2 isinya kebanyakan bahasa inggrisnya :swt2:

TRANSLATE aja kawan xD

17Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 25 Apr 2011, 21:45


wiii kerenn ajarin dong kk kevinnn!! :wow:

18Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Sun 01 May 2011, 01:45


cek post kedua yah.. :)

19Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Fri 17 Jun 2011, 13:32


Hard Rocker
Hard Rocker
wah infonya berguna bgt nih... thx sharenya bro.. jdi tau style masing" :D

20Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Wed 20 Jul 2011, 15:50


gw br aja searching youtube trus nemu style baru. 'cali shuffle' namanya. setelah gw liat2, shufflenya d adopsi dari MAS + jerking. IMO shufflenya byk bounces.

cb liat dsini aja

21Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Wed 20 Jul 2011, 17:00


parah gue naksir banget sama gayanya cali shuffle / california shuffle , mungkin para rockers yang lain ada yang punya tutorial cali shuffle / bisa ngajarin gitu hehe makasih sebelumnya mwah mwah

22Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Wed 20 Jul 2011, 19:02


bro, emang ada ya japan shuffle ?
kalo ada ane liat videonya donk :)

23Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Wed 20 Jul 2011, 19:31


apa disini ada org yg gk trlalu care ttg shuffle classification. slaen gw
just dance to the music kan? Lg pula gw terlalu pusing mikirin msuk style yg mana

24Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Wed 20 Jul 2011, 22:33


pasti ada sih bro hahahah..
ya ini kan cuma buat pendalaman aja..
sbnrnya shuffle = shuffle.
cuma ini dibikin klasifikasi buat skedar mempermudah pemahaman aja.. :)

25Style & Classification Empty Re: Style & Classification Mon 25 Jul 2011, 20:26


waduh dsini setau gw blom ada yg stylenya cali. bljrnya pk lagu electro.

japan shuffle? apa bedanya sm yg laen? gw blom prna liat tuh.

gw jg ga terlalu care sm style gw c, jd style gw ya sebut aja 'panky7 style'. hahaha

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