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1Solved Hard Bass Army [HBA] Mon 26 Sep 2011, 16:25


First topic message reminder :

About: Dance crew dari Jakarta Selatan. Terinspirasi dari Bass Neurotic Worldwide & Hardstyle Evolution. Dance types: Shuffle, Jumpstyle, Liquid, Tutting, Breakdance.
Location: Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan & Bintaro
Contact Person: Roberdy Giobriandi (@BerdayGio) (Email:
Roberdy Giobriandi (Leader) -- BerdayGio
Marselino Iranov Thomas (Co-leader) -- MarselIranov[HBA]
Yulius Ary Nugroho -- AryHunterz [HBA]
Radithya Pramusintho Utomo (Senior/Mentor from Hardstyle Evolution)
Narendra Wibisono
Rachel Chitra Puspitasari
Gaby Tutuiha

Motto: Bass Is Our Life, Dancing With My Own Style, and Dance to express not to impress.
Searching New Members :D
Open Recruit.

Last edited by BerdayGio on Sat 15 Oct 2011, 20:23; edited 9 times in total

26Solved Re: Hard Bass Army [HBA] Wed 12 Oct 2011, 20:29


HBA kehilangan 3 member: bernama Narendra, Indra, dan Sigit. Mereka keluar karena ingin masuk SOF

27Solved Re: Hard Bass Army [HBA] Wed 14 Dec 2011, 21:25


Hard Rocker
Hard Rocker
waduh.. kok bisa hilang gtu? jgn sedih bro. keep up the good work HBA :)

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